COVID-19 and Behavioral Health

On Friday, April 17, Dr. Rosemary Ku answered questions about COVID-19's effects on behavioral health.

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Click on the following questions to view their answers.


What are some signs of distress that I should watch out for?
We are experiencing a time of uncertainty and change due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a stressful situation, and everyone reacts to and copes with stress differently. The following are some signs that you need to watch out for: excessive fear, increase or decrease in appetite, difficulty concentrating, change in sleep or nightmares, anger, irritability, fatigue, and use of substances such as alcohol, tobacco or other drugs to cope. If any of these symptoms interfere with your daily responsibilities, please reach out to a healthcare provider for assistance.

I have a history of a mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression. Are there additional precautions I should take during this time?
The additional stress of the coronavirus outbreak can worsen underlying mental health conditions. If you are in treatment and/or take medication, you should continue your treatment plan as directed by your provider and make sure you have an adequate supply of medications on hand. Also, check-in with your provider to see if there will be any changes to their availability. Monitor your symptoms regularly and notify your provider if any of your symptoms get worse or if you develop new ones.

What can I do to optimize my mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Although we might have physical distance from family and friends, it’s important to stay connected. Talking about your concerns, venting and listening to others can help with coping. Take breaks from the news and social media if you find that these trigger anxiety. Make sure you are getting adequate sleep and exercise and try to find time for activities you enjoy. Eat a nutritious diet to ensure that you are getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs for a healthy immune system and avoid excessive alcohol.

What resources does UnitedAg have for assisting with behavioral health?
UnitedAg is here to support your physical and mental health. If you would like to talk to a healthcare provider, you can reach our Health & Wellness Centers at 877.877.7981. Teladoc is also available 24/7 for both physical and behavioral health concerns.